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The Man who Collected Oxfordshire

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Oxon, Cottisford




G.A. Oxon. c. 317/7 [2]: Cottisford, Oxfordshire places - notes and ephemera


MS. Top. Oxon. d. 171: Cottisford, Notes by the antiquarian Charles Richardson (volume I)


MS. Top. Oxon. d. 195: Cottisford, Monumental brasses I


MS. Top. Oxon. d. 203: Cottisford, Notes on sports and pastimes (volume III)


MS. Top. Oxon. e. 175: Cottisford, Sources for Oxfordshire topography


Brass Rubbing


ANBR.Oxfordshire Duplicates 339: 1899 rubbing of 1500 memorial brass for John Samuell, wife and 13 children


© University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum